Dr. Amrit Pattojoshi

Dr Amrit Pattojoshi
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Name: Amrit Pattojoshi

Other Name: Amrit

BirthdayXX XX XXXX

Age: XX Years

Height: 5’11

Known As: Dept of Psychiatry

Born Country: India

Who is Amrit Pattojoshi ?

Dr Amrit Pattojoshi
Prof and head,
Dept of Psychiatry
Hitech medical college and hospital,
Chief consultant Amri hospital,
Editor, Odisha Journal of Psychiatry.
Direct Council member of IPS and looking after LGBT task force and Suicide helpline of IPS.
More than 50 publications in international amd national journals.
Was incharge of WHO-UNICEF-IPS helpline on psychological wellbeing during COVID.
Adviser to govt of ODISHA on managing mental health during covid.
Spl work during covid

  • Was instrumental in making a 30 bedded oxygen tent in bbsr which was free of cost.
  • Providing free oxygen cylinders to needy ppl at their homes free of cost.
  • Provision of free rations amd free food for needy througout the state.
  • Arrangement of beds, essential medicines and even helping people with their medical bills.
    Numerous awards for my work including CMs award, governors award, mother teressa award and Annie besant award , Bapa award, my social work.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/dramritp?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amritpattojosh1?t=ZsHyZ-4uDSGB_DiyXSLarQ&s=09

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