Muscle & Strength India, Brand Info, Industry, Headquarter, founders & more….

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Brand Info:

Brand Name:Muscle & Strength India
Founding Year:2018
Products or Services:Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal supplements
Founder :Praveen Chirania
Headquarter:New Delhi, India
Marketing Pro-activers:Prince Narula, Mukesh Singh Gehlot, Bhupender Dhawan
Area Served:India

What is Muscle & Strength India ?

Muscle & Strength India is a health fitness supplements and nutritional products retail chain. The retailer provides genuine supplements and nutritional products as proteins, vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. It was founded by Praveen Chirania and is based in New Delhi, India. The company currently has fifteen stores in twelve cities across India. The company has started private label, Perfect Series, which will help reduce cost of imported products.

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